
API Reference

Welcome to the Inspectlet API! You can use our API to retrieve and search your session recordings with a simple JSON-based REST interface.

We have language bindings and examples available in Shell, Javascript, and PHP! You can view code examples in the dark area to the right, and you can switch the programming language of the examples with the tabs in the top right.


The sample code below uses a dummy username and API token, please replace them with your own credentials.

// prep the header we need to send for HTTP Basic Auth
var username = "";
var apitoken = "af9f27cd9c02b54a9bead349662dddf4a7ea1430";
var headers = {"Authorization": "Basic " + btoa(username + ":" + apitoken)};

Inspectlet uses HTTP Basic Authentication to allow access to the API and your account data. Every request to the API should be signed with your account’s email address and API token. You can find your API token by logging into your Inspectlet dashboard and looking under “API Credentials” on the “your account” page.


Password: APITOKEN


If there are no errors with your API request, the Inspectlet API will return a 200 HTTP response containing a JSON object with a response property.

If there’s an error with your request, Inspectlet will return a JSON object with an error property and one of the following HTTP error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request – Your request could not be completed.
401 Unauthorized – Your API token is invalid or you don’t have access to that resource.
429 Too Many Requests – Your API token is being rate-limited due to too many requests in a short span of time.

Listing Your Sites

// list all the sites in your account
  url: '',
  headers: {"Authorization": "Basic " + btoa('')},
  success: function (apiResponse){

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "response": [
      "wid": 12345678,
      "site_name": "My App",
      "date_added": 1337677548

List all the sites in your account.

HTTP Request


Response Parameters

Returns an array containing an object for each site in your account.

Parameter Description
wid The website’s ID, used to make calls to other API endpoints about this site.
site_name The site’s name.
date_added The date the website was created.

Listing and Searching Sessions

// search for session recordings of visitors from United States
  type: "POST",
  url: '',
  headers: {"Authorization": "Basic " + btoa('')},
  data: {
    search: JSON.stringify({
      country: "US"
  success: function (apiResponse){

// search for session recordings from the last week tagged with converted=true
  type: "POST",
  url: '',
  headers: {"Authorization": "Basic " + btoa('')},
  data: {
    search: JSON.stringify({
      daterange   : "week",
      tags        : {
        tagslist  : [
            tag   : "converted",
            value : true
  success: function (apiResponse){

The above commands return JSON structured like this:

  "response": [
      "sid": 2606721012,
      "wid": 12345678,
      "date_start_session": 1446772479,
      "date_end_session": 1446772768,
      "session_duration": 286893,
      "num_pages": 1,
      "uid": 2099309727,
      "ip": "",
      "browser": "chrome",
      "referrer": {
        "source": "d"
      "useragent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.80 Safari/537.36",
      "new_visitor": true,
      "starred": false,
      "country": "US",
      "landing_page": "\/?utm_campaign=media",
      "exit_page": "\/product-1123",
      "device_type": "desktop",
      "display_name": "Johnny Appleseed",
      "sessionlink": "",
      "tags": [
          "tag": "converted-purchase",
          "value": "1",
          "timestamp": 1446772657
          "tag": "email",
          "value": "",
          "timestamp": 1446772552
      "pages": [
          "rid": 2017992525,
          "opened_at": 1446772479,
          "pagetitle": "Title of first page in session.",
          "url": "\/?utm_campaign=media"

Search for and retrieve session recordings for your website. If the search variable is left undefined, Inspectlet will return the most recent sessions for your site.

HTTP Request


Request Parameters

Parameter Default Description
wid   Your website ID.
search   (Optional) If this variable is set, the resulting sessions will match this search query. See Searching for Sessions for more details.
limit 10 (Optional) The maximum number of sessions to return in one response. A maximum of 100 sessions can be returned at once.
page 1 (Optional) The page number to scroll to for result pagination.

Searching for Sessions

When using the search parameter to find sessions matching specific conditions, the following properties can be specified in an object to build a search query:

Parameter Description
displayname Visitor’s display name as it was sent in when identifying your users.
country Visitor’s ISO-639 country code (e.g. “US” for United States)
newold An object with the following properties: boolean - whether to include new visitors
newold.old boolean - whether to include returning visitors
tags An object with the following properties:

tags.tagslist array of tag objects - each object represents a tag and has two string properties: tag (required),value (optional).

tags.operator (Optional) and/or - The operator to use when multiple tags are specified in tags.tagslist. Choose “and” to require all tags in tags.tagslist to be matched. Choose “or” to return sessions that include any tags specified in tags.tagslist. Default operator is and.
ipaddress string IP address of visitor (e.g. “”)
showstarredonly boolean Whether to only include starred session recordings.
browser string A browser name (chrome/firefox/safari/mobile safari/chrome mobile (ios)/ie/android/opera/other).
devices string A device category (all/phone/desktop).
daterange string The time span that the results should search in. Possible values are: “30days”,“week”,“custom” (see daterangecustom)
daterangecustom An object with the following properties:
daterangecustom.start string - the Unix timestamp results should start from
daterangecustom.end string - the upper bound Unix timestamp for search results
seslength_start integer The minimum session duration in pages. seslength_end can also be specified to control the max number of pages in the session.
sestime_start integer The minimum session duration in seconds. sestime_end can also be specified to control the max session duration.
startpage Search for sessions starting from a specific landing page. See Searching by URLs.
visitedpage Search for sessions starting containing a specific page. See Searching by URLs.
exitpage Search for sessions starting with a specific exit page. See Searching by URLs.
trafficsource string The traffic source

Searching by URLs

// Search for all sessions starting from
  search: JSON.stringify({
    "startpage" : {
      "operator"  : "is",
      "url"       : ""
// Search for all sessions containing a page whose URL starts with*
// (i.e.,

  search: JSON.stringify({
    "visitedpage" : {
      "operator"  : "beginswith",
      "url"       : ""

When filtering for sessions with a specific startpage, visitedpage, or exitpage, the URL search is represented as an object with the following properties:

url The URL string to search for.

operator Type of match - Possible options for URL match: is, beginswith, contains, patternmatch, notis, notbeginswith, notcontains. Defaults to is.

operator Description
is exact URL match (
beginswith match URLs that begin with the URL fragment ( will match
contains match URLs that contain the URL fragment (/dash/ will match
patternmatch match URLs that match a wildcard pattern (dash will match
notis does not exactly match the specified URL
notbeginswith does not begin with the specified URL fragment
notcontains does not contain the specified URL

Response Parameters

Returns a JSON object containing an array of matching sessions. Each session is an individual session object.

Retrieving an Individual Session

// fetch information about an individual session
  url: '',
  headers: {"Authorization": "Basic " + btoa('')},
  success: function (apiResponse){

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "response": [
      "sid": 2606721012,
      "wid": 12345678,
      "date_start_session": 1446772479,
      "date_end_session": 1446772768,
      "session_duration": 286893,
      "num_pages": 1,
      "uid": 2099309727,
      "ip": "",
      "browser": "chrome",
      "referrer": {
        "source": "d"
      "useragent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.80 Safari/537.36",
      "new_visitor": true,
      "starred": false,
      "country": "US",
      "landing_page": "\/?utm_campaign=media",
      "exit_page": "\/product-1123",
      "device_type": "desktop",
      "display_name": "Johnny Appleseed",
      "sessionlink": "",
      "tags": [
          "tag": "converted-purchase",
          "value": "1",
          "timestamp": 1446772657
          "tag": "email",
          "value": "",
          "timestamp": 1446772552
      "pages": [
          "rid": 2017992525,
          "opened_at": 1446772479,
          "pagetitle": "Title of first page in session.",
          "url": "\/?utm_campaign=media"

Retrieve information about an individual session recording.

HTTP Request


Request Parameters

Parameter Description
wid Your website ID.
sid The session ID.

Response Parameters

Returns a JSON object containing information about the session:

Parameter Description
sid The session ID.
wid The website ID.
date_start_session The session’s start time in UTC.
date_end_session The session’s last recorded activity in UTC.
session_duration The total session duration in seconds.
num_pages The total number of pages in this session.
uid The user’s internal identifier used by Inspectlet.
ip The user’s IP address.
browser The user’s browser’s major family name.
referrer The referring traffic source of this session.
page_width The browser page width.
page_height The browser page height.
useragent The user’s browser’s complete user agent string.
new_visitor A boolean indicating whether or not this session is the first session from this user on this website.
starred A boolean indicating whether this session is starred.
country The visitor’s ISO-639 country code (e.g. “US” for United States).
landing_page The URL of the first page in the session.
exit_page The URL of the last page in the session.
device_type The type of device used during this visit (desktop/phone).
display_name Visitor’s display name as it was sent in when identifying your users.
sessionlink A guest-accessible, sharable URL to watch this session recording.
tags An array of tags associated with this session.
pages The list of pages the user visited in this session.